

12/1: Bluejacket Build or Destroy Hazy IPA

12/1: Bluejacket Build or Destroy Hazy IPA

India Pale Ale with Citra & Bru-1 Hops, ABV 7%

Appearance: Pours like orange juice, as expected. Opaque, dark yellow, quickly dissipating head.

Aroma: Smells like Bluejacket! I could pick this one out of a line-up of hazy IPAs from my favorite breweries. Citra all the way. Orange and lemon zest. Per the BRU-1 hops, pineapple deliciousness.

Taste: Mild bitterness.

Mouthfeel: Juicy, again. Stays on the tongue, with little carbonation to clean off the palate at the end.

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